Breast Augmentation Specialist

Breast Body Beauty Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery -  - Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery

Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery located in Marietta and Atlanta Metro, GA

Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery located in Marietta, GA

If you want to increase the size or enhance the shape of your breasts, consider one of the most popular cosmetic procedures in the country: breast augmentation. At Breast Body Beauty Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery in Marietta, Georgia, board-certified plastic and reconstructive surgeon, Aisha Baron, MD, offers personalized breast augmentation consultations and surgeries. To achieve a bust that helps you feel confident and beautiful, call the office or book a consult with the doctor online today.

Breast Augmentation Q & A

Am I a candidate for breast augmentation?

Breast augmentation is an option when you’re unhappy with the size or shape of your breasts. You may perceive them to be too small or asymmetrical. Make the decision for augmentation for your own personal satisfaction, not to please someone else. The procedure can help you achieve fuller, firmer, and shapelier breasts, but you must be in good health and over 18 years old.

What exactly is breast augmentation?

Breast augmentation involves placing a silicone or saline implant under or above the chest muscle to improve the appearance of your breasts. The implants create a more appealing and natural-looking bust by changing the shape, size, and symmetry of your breasts. If a patient is a good candidate, their own fat can be used to augment and improve the size and shape do the breasts. 

What are the available types of breast implants?

You can choose between saline and silicone implants that come in a variety of shapes and sizes. Both options are safe, and Dr. Baron can help you choose the best option for your aesthetic goals and body type. 

Silicone implants feel softer and normally appear more natural. They’re less prone to rippling and are filled before surgery. Dr. Baron also inserts saline implants which have a silicone shell, are filled with salt water to a custom size in the operating room. Saline implants can accommodate a smaller incision site.

What happens during breast augmentation?

With breast augmentation at Breast Body Beauty Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery, you’re placed under general anesthesia, but can usually go home the same day as the procedure. You will need a friend or family member to drive you home when you come out of recovery and are stable.

Once you’re under, Dr. Baron makes the incisions agreed upon in your surgical plan and inserts the implants of choice. She positions them correctly and then closes up the incision sites with dissolvable stitches and surgical tape.

What happens after breast augmentation?

Expect to have some soreness, bruising, and swelling following breast augmentation. These side effects generally subside within a few days. Dr. Baron instructs you to wear a compression garment for a few days after your procedure to reduce swelling and help with discomfort.

You may start to resume normal activities within a week. Avoid any strenuous activity or exercise for 3-4 weeks. Dr. Baron will clear you when your healing is complete.

If you’re dissatisfied with the look of your breasts, consult with Dr. Baron at Breast Body Beauty Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery. Call the office or book online to learn about your breast augmentation options today. 

Procedure Information


Average Cost: $6,500 - $8,500


Recovery Time: 1 - 2 weeks


Average Procedure Time: 2 Hours


Post Op Follow Up: 2 Weeks


Procedure Recovery Location: Out-Patient

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