Brazilian Butt Lift Specialist

Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery located in Marietta and Atlanta Metro, GA
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery located in Marietta, GA
If you desire volume in flat, unshapely buttocks, a Brazilian butt lift may be for you. At Breast Body Beauty Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery, board-certified plastic and reconstructive surgeon Aisha Baron, MD, provides this surgery that borrows fat from other parts of your body to boost the shape and size of your buttocks. Atlanta area patients can call the Marietta, Georgia, office or book online to consult with Dr. Baron and the expert team to learn more about the procedure.
Brazilian Butt Lift Q & A
What is a Brazilian butt lift?
The Brazilian butt lift is a specialized cosmetic procedure that enhances the size, shape, and curvature of your backside. The procedure involves transferring extra fat from areas of your body, such as the abdomen, lower back, or thighs, to improve your buttocks’ roundness and volume.
The procedure involves liposuction to harvest fat from the areas that you’d like to shrink. The team then purifies the fat and Dr. Baron reinjects it into your buttocks to develop a rounder and fuller bottom.
Am I a good candidate for a Brazilian butt lift?
You may experience flattened buttocks due to genetics, weight loss, or aging. Often, no amount of lunges, squats, or leg lifts can reshape the area. A more voluminous, perky butt can boost your confidence and help you feel most attractive and sure of yourself.
To be considered a good candidate, you must have realistic expectations about the procedure. It’s important that you have adequate amounts of fat that the team can harvest for your augmentation, too. Good hip and buttock skin tone is another factor necessary for optimal results.
Before being approved for a Brazilian butt lift, you must commit to postsurgical guidelines that include a long recovery period during which you can’t sit directly on your butt.
What can I expect during a Brazilian butt lift?
Dr. Baron creates an individualized surgical plan according to your body and aesthetic goals. This includes determining the best area from which to harvest the fat and the specific areas on your backside to receive the fat so you achieve your desired look. Your plan also includes the type of anesthesia to be used for the procedure.
Following the procedure, Dr. Baron covers your incisions with bandages and places drains to help remove fluid and blood from the incision area. You’re taken to the recovery suite for monitoring and sent home once stable.
What is recovery from a Brazilian butt lift like?
Dr. Baron and her team provide specific instructions for how to care for your surgical site after a Brazilian butt lift. These instructions include information about the length of your recovery, activity modifications, and follow-up visits to Breast Body Beauty Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery.
Patients who’ve undergone a Brazilian butt lift can’t sit on their buttocks for up to eight weeks. You’re advised to lie on your side or stomach.
If you’re ready to plump up a flat backside, call Breast Body Beauty Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery or book online to find out more about Brazilian butt lifts.
Average Cost: $10,000 - $15,0000
Recovery Time: 2 - 4 weeks
Average Procedure Time: 3-6 Hours
Post Op Follow Up: 2 Weeks
Procedure Recovery Location: Out-Patient